2023 | Posted by Luria |
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Entering mythic Amirdrassil we had a hunch the first boss would be a pushover. That hunch turned out to be right. Gnarlroot dead on the first night, and finally we have started progressing mythic! Igira next!

2023 | Posted by Luria |
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The last boss of Amirdrassil, and the whole Dragonflight expansion, is Fyrakk the Blazing. We knew the normal mode fight, but it had felt really easy, and we had not fully learned the mechanics before we killed the boss. Once we reached heroic we had to learn the fight properly, and considering it was a the final boss of the expansion it wasn’t as painful as expected. Tonight we finally sorted out the last phase and the last boss of Dragonflight is dead! Good job everyone, mythic next!

2023 | Posted by Luria |
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Back to December and the penultimate boss in Amirdrassil, Tindral Sageswift. We knew it was trouble when we walked into the encounter, but we were fearless, and even if we felt some bad blood vibes we shock it off. To begin with it was all a lavender haze and but once we got out of the woods we started feeling ready for it. Suddenly sparks started to fly, and we entered end game mode. And he was dead! Today was a fairytale! One boss to go!

2023 | Posted by Luria |
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Before we reached Smolderon we had heard that he was going to be a step up in difficulty. We soon realised that was true. It took a good while for everyone to get personally used to the flame waves and not instantly be hit and die. Next we had some issues with everyone catching their own Living Flames in phase two, and instead of buffing themselves they ended up buffing the boss. Once we got more used to the fight we started making some headway and suddenly, on a not very clean pull, he died! Only two bosses to go!

2023 | Posted by Luria |
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Next up was Larodar, Keeper of the Flame. We had thought this was a harder fight than Nymue, based on normal mode; but when we got here it was clear that assessment was wrong. The heroic change didn’t seem like a big deal at all, and we only needed a few pulls to get the boss down! Good job guys anyway! Smolderon Next!

2023 | Posted by Luria |
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After killing the Council of Dreams last night we had time to look briefly at the next boss, Nymue, Weaver of the Cycle. We learned that the floor-matrix wasn’t as scary as we thought, but everything else felt more chaotic and messy than expected. Today we were back for more and we soon started doing better than the night before. We still had to work a bit to get the kill but after breaktime we finally had her down! Nymue dead and we are halfway done with Amirdrassil!

2023 | Posted by Luria |
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Next boss was the Council of Dreams who we quickly realized was a ducking great encounter! We struggled with the mechanics at first, but soon we had the fight down, roughly. However, either our DPS was lacking, or the bosses had crazy amounts of health together, because the fight really lasted forever, especially for a mid-raid encounter, and eventually we would start losing people. Thankfully we managed to finally kill them anyway, but it didn’t leave us much time for the next boss. Four bosses dead! More to come!

2023 | Posted by Luria |
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Time for a new raid to open: Amirdrassil, the Dream’s Hope! Perhaps not the first “druid-raid”, but certainly the best, judging by the damagebuff for druids at the entrance! Tonight was the first heroic night and we cleared three of the nine bosses and then got stuck on Council of Dreams. More to come next raid!

2023 | Posted by Luria |
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The Forgotten Experiments took us forever to progress. Some circumstances like being a bit low on numbers and cancelling raids are partly to blame, but the main reason is that we struggled incredibly with this encounter. Something that didn’t help the experience was the fact that pushing the bosses at an exact time was more important than anything else. For this reason a lot of pulls went to waste just because we pushed into phase two just one second too soon. Phase two and three were otherwise where we struggled, and changed tactics several times. The fact that we got a kill tonight was partly hard work for months, but also some luck. Thank you everyone who participated in progressing this boss. We did well!

Observe: The image above is a representation of our feelings for the fight rather than a screenshot of actual events.
2023 | Posted by Luria |
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Reaching the Amalgamation Chamber we followed a tactic which suggested to swap places with the bosses at specific times. After some time we realised it was not working for us at all. Tanks were dying and it seemed very hard to get the timing just right. It was also tricky for everyone else to clear the stacks in the way the tactic suggested. So we scrapped the whole thing, and decided to pop Heroism at the start and just zerg the adds as fast as possible. There was a big moment of death right around the transition, but tonight it became evident that phase two could be done with half the raid dead. The Amalgamation Chamber is defeated! Good job everyone!

2023 | Posted by Luria |
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As our second mythic encounter we went to the Assault of the Zaqali, as we assumed it to be significantly easier than the Amalgamation Chamber. We had heard of a zerg strategy that apparently everyone else was using and we assumed we could probably follow that. To begin with our dps seemed about a mile off, and the boss was jumping around forever. But with tweaks and just getting used to the fight we managed to finally get it working, and tonight the door was finally saved! Assault of the Zaqali is dead!

2023 | Posted by Luria |
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Entering mythic mode Kazzara the Hellforged was first on the agenda. The first night the fight seemed really hard. We didn’t do enough dps and we were failing most of the mechanics. There were better pulls, but mostly it seemed like a hard first mythic boss. Tonight we were back for more and to our surprise we played way better, like sometimes happens. You just need to sleep on it and you get better in your sleep sometimes! Anyway, suddenly the fight felt very doable and it didn’t take long until she was done! Kazzara dead! More to come!