Guild Information
The guild
Lazy Peon Tavern is an alliance-guild located on Silvermoon-EU. We’re a small group of relaxed people that like to play together with a main focus on raiding current content.
Lazy Peon Tavern was formed in December of 2007 after a few of us had left the same guild out of dissatisfaction with the leadership. It started as a small 10 man guild, in a time where that was only viable for 2 raids, and has remained that way through the years. Most of the original members are still active, and our focus when recruiting has been to find other players that fit into our group. As a result of this the atmosphere and general mood in Lazy Peon Tavern is humorous and friendly, we often help each other out and are generous within the guild.
The main focus of the guild lies within raiding, our overall aim are to continuously clear all end game content while it is still current. However while that is the end goal we also aim to have an enjoyable time on the way there. To know our current progress see the Progression page.
The current organisation of the guild are as follows: (name of in-game rank is in parenthesis)
GM, Officer & Raidleader (Brewmaster): Luria – the dictator. We don’t have any other officers, it works for us.
Assistant of Luria (Bartender): Teldryn.
Raiders (Drunk): To be a raider in Lazy Peon Tavern you first have to pass a trial period. In general what we expect of raiders is that they take responsibility for having their character in order and perform to their best ability in raids, at the same time as they act like nice people.
Semi-Raiders (Hungover): In 2018 we created a new rank for players that can no longer keep up with being a raider but still want to raid with the guild. If you are in this rank you have no obligation to sign up for raids with any particular frequency, but when you do we expect your character to be geared (through mythic+ or through raids) enough to be equal to the others in the raidteam, not be boosted.
Casuals (Peon): Our casual rank is mainly made up of old raiders who stepped down, but also partly of friends who have joined the guild without ever being a raider. We do not recruit for this rank. On Wednesdays we have a casual/alt raid that everyone in the guild can join if they want to (this raid will during periods be cancelled due to lack of interest).
We currently raid 3 days a week, Thursdays, Sundays and Mondays.
Raidtimes are always 20.30 – 23.30 servertime, with invites 15 mins earlier.
Raid participation
Raiders are expected to be available for on average at least one raid a week, out of three, and to sign up for all raids (either as available or not available). Also to be on time carrying the appropriate consumables, reagents and equipment. You should be able to take directions on Teamspeak (yes, no Discord!), and if you know you have a hard time learning new fights you should prepare by reading up ahead of time. If a fight requires communication you also need to be able to speak on Teamspeak.
Raids and other events are all posted on our Event Calendar (see “Events”).
Raids are always picked the night before the raidnight. This to ensure that if you aren’t picked for the raid, or if the raid turns out to be cancelled, you have time to make new plans for the evening. This also means that if your real life is usually so hectic that you never know until the same day if you can raid or not, you will not be able to be a raider in this guild.
We have one raiding team where all raiders are equal. It doesn’t matter if you joined us 3 months ago or 12 years ago, you are a guildie. If there are too many signups for a mythic raid, everyone get’s passed equally often, regardless of their previous attendance or performance. We keep track of how many times people have sat out and pick between the people who’s “turn” it is now.
In Battle for Azeroth and Shadowlands lootrules changed for all raids into Personal Loot. We previously used Suicide Kings lootsystem, and we continued to use Suicide Kings for “leftover loot” – loot that someone got but don’t want to keep. As of Dragonflight personal loot is gone again, and we are once again using Suicide Kings for all loot. For general info about Suicide Kings as described by Wowpedia click here, for info specific to the guild click here.
BoE items that drop in guildraids belong to the guildbank. You trade the item to the raidleader and cry inside. In return everyone (including trials) get all* their consumables, gems, enchants, etc from the guildbank. *Within reason. If you like using potions on cooldown in dungeons, battlegrounds, while questing etc; and thus go through an extraordinary amount of potions, you should provide some/many of those consumables yourself.
If a BoE item from a raid is your best in slot item, which sounds unlikely but could technically happen, you can inform Luria about this, providing some outside source information which confirms your claim – and then the next time the item drops for someone it will be yours. Otherwise you are welcome to buy the BoEs from the bank for 95% of AH price.
The Guild Bank
All raiders are expected to withdraw all their flasks, potions, food, gems, enchants, Vantus runes, etc. Withdrawals should reflect your needs: in other words, don’t take the whole stack of gems if you only need 2. Guild bank gold is almost exclusively used for maintaining the needs of the raiders.
All information about our recruitment can be read on on a separate page called Recruitment. If you are interested to join us, make sure to look through that page before you make an application.
Oldschool approach
When creating the guild in 2007, every “real raiding guild” had a website and a forum with an event calendar – so we fixed that as well. Over the years this has changed and at the time of revising this (2019) many “real raiding guilds” have none of those. Instead Discord has taken over as the website/forum, and the in game calendar is used as an event calendar. We are aware of these changes, and at the same time we are sticking to the old. We have our guild’s history on the forum/website/calendar and that is one reason to not change. And now that Classic is all the rage, maybe our ways are actually on trend again?
Guild Policies
- Always behave in a respectable manner towards other people, in and out of the guild.
- Be a fair player and never use any forms of cheats, such as goldsellers, powerlevelers and bots; if we find out you will be reported and removed from the guild.
- Be fair towards other players, don’t steal mobs, nodes or similar if it is perfectly clear another player was ahead of you, unless the area is overrun with players and it’s a free-for-all situation.
- Never ninja items in raids or parties or otherwise scam others, if it is clear to us you have, you will be removed from the guild.
- If anyone else ninjas anything from you, stay cool and take screenshots, and then alert Luria. It will be handled for you, if possible.
- Never take advantage of the guild bank. If you are unsure if something is OK to withdraw or not, ask an officer.
As long as you play fairly and act nice to others you will never have to worry about breaking any guild policies. Always contact an officer if you suspect someone else is violating the policies.
Summary of what we are:
- Stable guild with long raiding history on Silvermoon.
- Raiding current content 3 nights a week.
- Relaxed atmosphere in raids, without losing focus or interest in progression.
- Friendly humorous people.
- Fantastic art-department (see website news).
Welcome to Lazy Peon Tavern!