Stacks of Oblivion

The final boss in Aberrus is Scalecommander Sarkareth. Since it’s a longer fight it took us a while to get through it, though nothing like how long it took for the Raszageth encounter! We were unhappy with positioning in phase one, not killing adds fast enough in phase two, and then losing control of phase three. Tonight we got all the phases working and suddenly Sarkareth is dead! Heroic mode cleared, next up mythic!

Better Built Walls!

We were back again to Echo of Netharion and tonight we decided to let the tanks be the only wallbreakers, and the rest of us would aim for the better built walls. This tactic worked a lot better as we got fewer stacks, and didn’t die as easily. There were temptations to dps your fellow raiders in phase two, but once we got past that we cruised through the rest of the fight and wham bam the boss was dead! Only one heroic boss to go!

Fired up!

It’s the second night in Aberrus and we first went to Zskarn and killed him in no time at all, then onwards to Magmorax, which was an even easier boss. We got a bit stuck on Echo of Netharion, and didn’t manage a kill there, but two new bosses down! Good job everyone!

Assaulting Aberrus!

Aberrus is live and it’s nice to have a new raid, though the entrance seems a bit far away to get to. Tonight we entered the heroic mode, after checking out some bosses on normal last night. It turned out to be fairly easy and we pushed through five bosses in one go. More to come!

Over the Line!

With a choice of Kurog Grimtotem and Dathea, we decided to head to Grimtotem next. Right away we learned that positioning was everything for the ranged, and that everything was lost unless tanks crossed lines on the floor on the exact correct millisecond. Once we got these things working on the firefloor we started getting further in the fight. Today we had reached the icefloor and suddenly it all came together. Kurog Grimtotem is dead! Great effort everyone!

Slip Slidin’ Away!

Newt we headed to Sennarth, the Cold Breath. We had an idea that the encounter would most likely be annoying, with all the sliding around, and we soon realised that it was. We kept losing people early for a really long time, and once we were consistently getting everyone to the second platform, we were struggling getting to the third. After a few weeks of banging our heads against the ice, we finally got her dead today! Good job everyone!

Spread and Hold!

We knew getting to Terros that he would be a pain to progress, and indeed he was. The new mechanic Infused Fallout was very annoying, but we resolved it as best we could by letting the ranged spread and hold, while the melee would touch eachother straight away. We needed a lot of pulls to make everything work, but tonight was finally the night when Terros finally bit the dust! Back next week for a rekill!!

The Storm-Eater!

We have been working on Raszageth the Storm-Eater over the past weeks, and progress has at times been slow. It’s a long fight, with moments that are easy to mess up, and it’s taken us a while to get through phase one and two, and the intermissions. Today we finally got to the last phase and it turns out it was the easiest one, and now she’s dead! This was a really great end-boss, and it was a lot of fun to progress the fight. Good job everyone!

Breaking Pillars

We had a choice between Terros and the Primal Council as our second mythic encounter, and the choice was easy in favour of the council. The mythic changes did not seem very daunting; and we quickly got into the fight even though to begin with we didn’t really have the dps, probably because everyone was focusing on the mechanics. Today we were back for more, and finally things fell into place. The Primal Council is dead! Terros next!

A Mythic Sneak Peek!

After killing Diurna we had some time to check out the first mythic encounter, as we had a feeling heroic Raszageth would perhaps be harder than mythic Eranog. Turns out we were right and Eranog was a pushover! The first mythic boss of the expansion is dead!


Broodkeeper Diurna was next, and we immediately faced the “How to follow a path”-complication as well as “Who breaks which egg?”-issue. Clearly the best encounter in the whole raid, and we went in hard only to realise that this boss hits hard back! After some tank-deaths, and some bad egg-work, we finally sorted it all out and at that point it was just the last phase to live through. Today we managed that as well, and Diurna is dead!

Blowing us off!

We had some time on Dathea last reset and realised she was a bit of an obstacle, like Terros. Mostly we managed to mess up the platforms. This week we were back for more, and we immediately did better. A few more pulls and she was dead! Good job everyone, only two bosses to go!